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How to Calculate Kilowatt-Hours (kWh Calculation)
Each and every one of our electricity bills revolve around one thing: our kWh (kilowatt-hour) usage. Learn the kWh formula and how to calculate kWh.
clean energy 101
How Much Are Utilities Per Month For A House?
Learn about house utilites cost, how to calculate and estimate the cost of utilities, and what you can do to lower your utility bills.
clean energy 101
What is Alternative Energy: Types of Alternative Energy Sources
What are the alternative enery sources we use? Alternative energy sources aren’t just in the realm of those who live off-grid — alternative energy sources now make up a large percentage of the national power grid’s energy.
sustainable living
Average Gas Bill Cost Per Month: What's The Avg Cost of Gas In My State?
Ever wondered how much natural gas bill costs per month? Let’s examine the data on the average gas bills per state and why they vary so much.
sustainable living
What Uses the Most Electricity in a Home: Appliances that Use the Most Energy
Every month, when that power bill comes around, you realize just how much electricity you use to keep comfortable and entertained. But do you know what things use the most power in your house?
clean energy 101
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources: What is the Difference Between Them?
How are renewable and nonrenewable energy sources different? What are the similarities and how can we distinguish renewable and nonrenewable energy sources?
sustainable living
Average Electric Bill Per Month for 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
Learn the average electric bill for 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Is your average apartment electric bill becoming too unpredictable? Get consistent and simple monthly payments with Inspire.
sustainable living
What is Environmental Sustainability: Definition & Examples
We need environmental sustainability to live long and healthy lives. We need unpolluted air to breathe, clean water to drink, and homes free of toxic substances.
clean energy 101
Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels: Some Pros But Mostly Cons of Fossil Fuels & Oil Use
Fossil fuels are used to power the planet, but their use comes with major drawbacks. Learn more about the disadvantages of fossil fuels.
clean energy 101
How Much Power Does A Wind Turbine Produce?
How much energy does a wind turbine produce? Learn about wind turbine energy production and how power generated by wind turbines help create reliable renewable energy for the masses.
Clean Energy 101
Sustainable Living
Clean Energy 101
Sustainable Living
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