What is Thermal Pollution?
Inspire Clean Energy
Jun 30, 2021
0 min read
category: Clean Energy 101
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Switch to clean energyThermal Pollution: Definition & Causes Of Thermal Pollution
What is thermal pollution? Thermal pollution may also be referred to as thermal enrichment. When the temperature of a natural body of water suddenly increases or decreases, thermal pollution occurs. Industrial machinery and power plants are big contributors to thermal pollution. An example of thermal pollution is when industrial sites and power plants often take water from a natural source. When the water is returned, the temperature has been altered. In our modern society, thermal pollution is a genuine problem. One of the significant effects of thermal pollution is a change in oxygen levels, destroying ecosystems and communities. To learn more about the causes and effects of thermal pollution, keep reading.
What is the primary cause of thermal pollution?
In addition to human and natural factors, there are some natural causes of thermal pollution. Experts suggest that the biggest cause of thermal pollution is most likely industrial machinery and power plants. Cool water from natural bodies of water is often pulled to cool machinery. While our natural bodies of water are helping industrial sites and power plants, the favor is not being returned. Sites and plants are pumping relatively warm water back into natural bodies of water, causing thermal pollution. An example of thermal pollution from a natural source is water sitting on hot paved surfaces that run off into nearby water bodies. Hot water can cause an increase in water temperature.
What are five causes of thermal pollution?
Thermal pollution is caused by human behavior and natural causes. While there may be a variety of reasons, they all have similar effects. We will cover the impact of thermal pollution in the next section. For now, let’s take a look at five causes of thermal pollution:
#1. Use of water as a cooling agent in industrial plants As we mentioned earlier, cool water is often used to cool machinery. While the water cools the machinery, the machinery heats the water and sends it back to where it came from. As a result, thermal pollution occurs.
#2. Soil erosion As soil erosion occurs, water bodies can rise. As a result, the water bodies become more exposed to sunlight, and water temperatures are altered.
#3. Runoff from paved surfaces Runoff from roads, parking lots, and other surfaces can affect water temperature. During summer seasons, temperatures can peak, resulting in warm water runoff. If the runoff enters sewer systems and water bodies, thermal pollution can occur.
#4. Natural causes Humans are not the only cause of thermal pollution. Natural causes such as volcanoes, geothermal vents, and hot springs can cause excess heat in bodies of water. In addition, lightning can inflict heat into water bodies. Natural causes such as these can leave lasting impacts on the environment.
#5. Deforestation Trees and plants can provide shade for humans as well as water bodies. However, when deforestation occurs, the shade disappears, and we are left with sunlight beaming directly on water bodies. As a result, water temperatures can increase.
What are the effects of thermal pollution?
When it comes to viewing the effects of thermal pollution, some may see it as positive, while others may see it as negative. Realistically, it’s probably a mix of the two. While there are many negatives that impact marine ecosystems, fundamental parts of human life would not occur if industries did not operate the way they do. Industries causing thermal pollution produce many goods that we need. However, the effects of thermal pollution on ecosystems may be important. Here are some effects of thermal pollution:
#1. Decrease in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels Thermal pollution increases water temperature. Since warm water holds less oxygen than cold water, DO is decreased. As a result, suffocation can occur for plants and animals. Warmer water temperatures can also cause algae to flourish on the surface of the water. This can also decrease oxygen levels in water.
#2. Increase in toxins Water that is regurgitated back into water bodies from industrial sites often contains toxins. Toxins can impact local ecology and make them more prone to various diseases.
#3. Ecological impact Small temperature changes can affect some aquatic species. Thermal pollution can cause mass killings of plants, insects, or amphibians. However some species, such as algae, tend to benefit from the heat.
How does thermal pollution occur?
Thermal pollution can occur from water being pulled and released from natural water bodies. In most cases, the water temperature is increased. However, a distinctive form of thermal pollution involves cold water being released into natural water bodies from storage reservoirs.
How is thermal pollution controlled?
While it may be costly to control thermal pollution, there are ways it can be done. Industrial sites and plants should treat water before regurgitating it back into natural water bodies. This could significantly reduce thermal pollution . Another idea is to install cooling ponds and or cooling towers to treat water. Artificial lakes can also help control thermal pollution.
What are some examples of thermal pollution?
An example of thermal pollution is a factory that uses water for cooling then releases warm water back into a natural body of water without treating it first. Another example of thermal pollution is soil erosion. Soil erosion causes bodies of water to be more exposed to sunlight, thus increasing the temperature.
How does thermal pollution affect the environment?
The effects of thermal pollution may start with a decrease in dissolved oxygen that affects aquatic life, but it’s likely that the damage won’t stop there. In addition to killing fish and other animals, thermal pollution can cause organisms to consume more food than they usually consume. As a result, the food chain may be disrupted. The food chain may also be disrupted by species migrating to environments that can sustain their survival.
How does thermal pollution affect the quality of water?
Quality of water can be decreased by thermal pollution. Thermal pollution can cause water to be warmer and hold less oxygen. Without a consistent level of oxygen, the quality of water may suffer and affect surrounding habitats. In addition, thermal pollution can feed algae growth, causing waters to be overwhelmed and oxygen-deprived. While algae are essential to the food chain, too many algae can suffocate plants and animals.
How does thermal pollution affect marine life?
Thermal pollution causes rapidly changing water temperatures that can be devastating for marine life. Most marine animals are unable to survive sudden temperature changes. In some cases, thermal pollution may only slightly change water temperature. However, even a slight thermal shock can cause reproduction challenges and lower disease resistance. As a result of thermal pollution, oxygen depletion can occur and affect marine life. Oxygen depletion can kill coral and other marine life. Changes in water temperature may also force marine life to migrate. This can affect the food chain. Thermal pollution can also cause an overabundance of organic nutrients as a result of organic matter decomposition being faster in warmer water. As aquatic plants grow faster in nutrient-rich warm water, fish gills can be choked and water can be clouded. While warm water discharge causes most thermal pollution, cool water discharges may also disrupt marine life. Plankton often cannot survive, and fish, their eggs, and their fry may die in colder temperatures.. The organisms that die may be replaced by other organisms reproducing, which can change the local ecosystem.
How does thermal pollution affect dead zones?
We mentioned earlier that thermal pollution could cause nutrient-rich waters. While this may sound like a good thing, it can create dead zones, which are areas in water with little or no oxygen. Without oxygen, aquatic life cannot survive. What happens is that algae can grow faster in warmer waters. As algae take over the water’s surface , the amount of dissolved oxygen the water can hold is reduced, thus causing suffocation. Around the world, there are over 400 current dead zones in oceans and lakes. Currently, studies are being done to find ways to reduce nutrient-rich waters and improve dead zone conditions. Large-scale dead zones may be resistant to change.
What can we do to prevent thermal pollution?
On an individual level, there is not much you can do to prevent thermal pollution. We need the local government and big industries to step up and do their part to prevent thermal pollution. Converting facilities to closed-loop systems could potentially decrease thermal pollution. Earlier, we mentioned a few ways that thermal pollution can be reduced.
In conclusion, thermal pollution has devastating effects on marine life. Keeping marine life healthy is important for the air we breathe and the world we live in. With water covering 70% of the Earth's surface and being one of our most important natural resources, we must do everything we can to protect it. When it comes to thermal pollution, there are few ways one individual can really reduce their contribution. As for power plants and big industrial sites, they can do much to reduce thermal pollution. As a contributing member of society, we should all find ways to reduce our carbon footprint. One easy way we can reduce our carbon footprint is by using clean, renewable energy in our homes. Inspire can provide residents with clean energy for one flat monthly price. With Inspire, you don’t have to install expensive solar or wind power systems to access clean renewable energy. So how does it work? To get started, visit the Inspire homepage and enter your address and/or zip code. If Inspire’s services are available in your area, you can proceed with linking your utility. Discover the beginning of consistent and predictable monthly energy bills when you become an Inspire member.
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