A Year in Review: Inspire’s 2021 Milestones & Achievements
Inspire Clean Energy
Jan 26, 2022
5 min read
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Don't worry about climate change— do something about it.
Our clean energy plans are the easiest way to reduce your home's carbon footprint.
Switch to clean energyReflecting back on 2021, we took some massive steps towards a more sustainable future and a happier planet.
Against the backdrop of the continued global pandemic and a multitude of climate disasters across the globe, the Inspire family continued striving towards commitments to make a net-zero carbon future a reality.
No matter how big or small, we believe daily changes and efforts really do add up.
We're excited to share what 2021 brought for us, all while placing climate change and the clean energy transition at the forefront of our goals.
##1. Our members' impact with Inspire Transforming the way consumers access clean energy and accelerating the world's transition to a net-zero carbon future is no small task.
When it comes to helping the planet, every single ounce of carbon matters! So this year (and every year), we've tracked just how much carbon our members have helped avoid from entering the atmosphere. Drum roll, please…
On average, one year of being an Inspire clean electricity member supports the generation of about 10,715 kWh of clean electricity and can help to reduce 9,639 lbs of CO2e from entering the earth's atmosphere.
That's equivalent to…
- Preserving 5 acres of U.S. forests for one year
- Avoiding 4,830 pounds of coal from being burned
- Driving 10,983 fewer miles in your car
- Recycling 186 bags of trash
- Growing 72 tree seedlings for 10 years
- Switching 166 incandescent light bulbs to LED
Thanks to our mission and members, our air is cleaner, our grid is greener, and our future is brighter. Here's to breaking those numbers in 2022!
##2. Distance for Donations program Giving back through volunteerism is a year-round initiative at Inspire. As we approached the holiday season, we felt the need to drive meaningful impact in the communities we live and serve.
We dedicated a week of giving to celebrate Giving Tuesday through our employee-driven Distance for Donations program.
Our Distance for Donations fund donated $1 for every mile a team member ran, walked or biked (and/or completed sessions on wellbeing apps like Physera, Ginger, and Headspace).
Our employees' efforts supported Land Health Institute and Los Angeles Audubon Society.
Los Angeles Audubon Society is on a mission to promote the study and protection of wildlife habitats and secure access to nature for all Los Angeles communities by engaging folks in educational activities.
Land Health Institute is a nonprofit based in the West Parkside neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, restoring connections between nature and people. They focus on exploration, immersive at-the-source environmental education and community-based land revitalization.
We're so grateful that we also partially matched each mile or action, bringing our total donation to $10k ($5k to each organization). This was the first of many interactive giving community programs, and we look forward to the next!
##3. National Forest Foundation partnership National forests play a vital role in our planet's biodiversity and emissions reductions. Not only do they remove carbon from the air to help mitigate climate change (storing millions of metric tons of carbon each year), but it's estimated that a worldwide tree-planting program could remove two-thirds of all emissions currently in the atmosphere! As a proud tree-planting partner with the National Forest Foundation, we donated over $18,000 through our field marketing team’s Spring Bloom campaign to directly support the planting of over 18,000 trees. For every $1 donated, NFF plants one tree.
At least 60 million acres of our national forests need restorative action. From tree planting to watershed restoration, the National Forest Foundation works tirelessly to improve national forests and grasslands around the U.S. so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.
##4. Inspire's Clean Natural Gas launch in Ohio Today, we still rely on natural gas to heat our homes and cook food. Which left us wondering, how can we keep doing so without harming the planet?
Enter our solution, launched last year: Inspire’s Clean Natural Gas plan, a promising way to offset the carbon emissions associated with your everyday home heating and cooking needs.
How? Dirty natural gas emissions will be neutralized through nature-based carbon offsets, so our members can relax knowing they're doing something positive for their community and the planet. On average, one year of being an Inspire Clean Natural Gas member can offset 7,716 lbs of carbon emissions (CO2e) entering the atmosphere. Talk about impact!
Right now, Inspire's Clean Natural Gas offer is available for select utilities in Ohio. However, we're rolling into communities like yours soon. Until then, see how to help avoid carbon emissions by signing up for a 100% clean energy supply plan for your home.
And that’s a wrap on 2021! We’re beyond ready and excited for what’s ahead for Inspire in 2022. Are you looking for a new gig with a company that’s unique, exciting and doing meaningful work? Join our team! We're a Certified Great Place To Work, and are always looking for talented individuals who are ready to make an impact.
Don't worry about climate change— do something about it.
Our clean energy plans are the easiest way to reduce your home's carbon footprint.
Switch to clean energyInspire Clean Energy
We're on a mission to transform the way people access clean energy and accelerate a net-zero carbon future.
Learn more about Inspire →Explore more
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