Ways to Help the Environment & Help Save Planet Earth

Inspire Clean Energy
Dec 3, 2021
9 min read
category: Sustainable Living
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Why should we protect the environment?
There are several reasons we should strive to live a more sustainable lifestyle and protect the environment. Protecting our environment is the foundation for sustaining our planet, community, and economy. Our environment supports and houses our ecosystems, allowing them to grow and thrive. If we fail to protect our environment, we will put the lives of humans, animals, plants, and more at risk.
Ecosystems within our environment are deeply connected. We must safeguard them all to protect our environment. After all, we rely on nature to provide basic human survival needs. Protecting the environment means paying our dues to ensure opportunities for future generations. Natural resources are running out, and we must find ways to live more sustainable lifestyles to support future generations.
How can we protect the environment in our everyday lives?
As you go about your everyday life, there are several small behaviors you adopt to help protect the planet. It all starts with awareness. Once you become aware of your impact, you learn why it is essential to take action. Your actions will likely influence those around you. Most of the steps we mention below benefit the environment and you. For example, bringing reusable bags to the store helps avoid plastic pollution. Here are a few additional ways you can help protect the environment:
- Reduce, reuse and recycle: Rather than disposing of a shipping box right after you open the package, can you reuse it for organizing storage? Before you toss carrot skins in the trash, can you reuse them for vegetable soup? Can you set your plants outside to absorb the natural rainwater if it's raining? Finding ways in your daily life to reduce, reuse, and recycle resources can help protect the environment.
- Use reusable grocery bags: This eliminates the need for plastic shopping bags, which often pollute the environment. Most reusable bags are more durable and can carry more weight than plastic bags. This can make bagging your groceries or new items more accessible.
- Use reusable water bottles: Reusable water bottles can keep your beverages colder longer while reducing the amount of single-use plastic you consume. Pollution from plastic can harm humans, animals, and plants. Plastic can take hundreds or thousands of years to break down, making it extremely harmful to our environment.
- Volunteer and educate: Your actions often influence others. Find ways to volunteer within your community, such as picking up trash around your neighborhood or attending community clean-up events. Volunteering is contagious; share how you've made a difference in the environment with friends and family to encourage them to do the same.
- Avoid sending chemicals into waterways: Chemicals are often disposed of through a drainage system that leads to rivers, lakes, or oceans. Using non-toxic chemicals for things like cleaning will help protect the environment.
- Ride a bike: Instead of driving your car a few minutes down the road to the store or maybe even to work, you should consider riding your bike. Biking produces no carbon emissions and does not rely on gas or oil, so it's a better option for the environment.
- Use renewable energy: Take advantage of renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind power. You can access renewable energy through third-party companies, like Inspire, too! Energy production is a massive part of the economy and infrastructure, but traditional production methods are incredibly harmful to the environment. Using renewable energy is an essential aspect of protecting the environment because it drastically cuts pollution while tapping into more readily available and long-term resources.
What are ways to protect the environment at home?
Whether you spend most of your time at home or work, you can always find ways to protect the environment. Through sustainable actions every day, we can make the most significant impact on preserving the environment. There are several ways we can work to achieve this in our home lives. Here are a few suggestions:
- Buy sustainable food products: While it may be hard to make the change, navigating away from a meat-focused diet can help protect the environment. You can also buy organic or locally sourced food, as these options are often more sustainably produced and require less transportation.
- Compost: Composting organic matter and food scraps into a soil container that supports plant growth can also help soil regeneration. It also keeps greenhouse gases like methane (produced from food scraps in landfills) out of the atmosphere.
- Stay in the know: Technology constantly evolves, and data is always right at our fingertips. Seek out and take advantage of the internet to learn eco-friendly ways of living or how to contact your policymakers and demand change.
- Support eco-friendly companies: More and more companies are committing to providing eco-friendly products to use in the home. Some companies even donate a portion of revenue toward protecting the environment, offer carbon-neutral or zero-waste shipping, or plant trees for every order.
What are ways to protect the environment at work?
There are several ways to protect the environment within the workplace. Just a few simple actions can make a big difference. If you are a manager or business owner, you should incentivize employees to protect the environment. Here are a few ways you and your company can help protect the environment:
- Go paperless: Whether it's electronic documents or electronic hand dryers, there are many ways to reduce paper usage within the workplace. While some of us may be old-fashioned and feel the need to print emails and documents, try to train yourself in a new way. Using less paper helps sustain our environment.
- Work Remotely: Some businesses may allow employees to work remotely. If they don't and you feel you can work from home, explain how it can help the environment. You will save on energy used within the office each day and cut down on your emissions driving to and from work.
- Bring plants to work: Indoor plants can improve air quality while making your workspace more aesthetically pleasing. They can also help remove harmful air contaminants, making the office easier to breathe.
- Turn off and unplug computers: Before you go home each day, turn off and unplug your computer. As a business owner or manager, you can make this mandatory, as it's a great way to save energy and money.
Set up recycling bins: Making recycling convenient in the workplace encourages employees to recycle more and be mindful of single-use consumables.
How can we protect the environment as a student?
Students can help protect the environment in many ways. In home life, school life, and work life, there are many actions you can take to protect the environment. A few ways students can protect the environment are:
- Digital note-taking: Avoid using paper and use your mobile device or computer instead. Reducing paper usage is a great way to protect the environment.
- Walk, bike, or carpool: When possible, opt for an alternate mode of transportation to avoid having to drive to school to reduce emissions.
- Save water: Whether you are a student or not, you can save water to protect the environment. Simple actions such as turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth can help save water. As a student, you may be balancing school, work, and life—leaving you in a hurry most days. Take a minute to slow down and see if there are easy ways to save water in your daily life.
What are the best ways to protect the environment as a community?
Coming together and creating awareness is essential to protecting the environment as a community. Some community members may need more education to understand why they should protect the environment. From providing education to coordinating clean-up events, there are many ways a community can protect the environment. Learning about environmental conditions within your community can help you take action.
Why does recycling help protect the environment?
Recycling helps the environment in a very impactful way. In its most basic form, recycling prevents and reduces:
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Emissions of water pollutants
- The need for new raw materials
- The amount of waste that goes into our landfills
- Energy usage
If you want to start recycling, you should educate yourself on your local recycling do's and don'ts. Next, decide how you will collect materials and recycle them. Perhaps you will collect recyclables and put them in your recycling bin, or maybe you will separate recyclables. For example, you may want to separate cans and bottles to turn them in for cash. Newspapers, plastic bottles, and other household items can be recycled. To make your recycling come full circle, you can start focusing on buying products made from recycled materials.
Why does conserving energy help protect the environment?
The less energy you use, the less you rely on carbon-intensive power plants that emit carbon dioxide. In the United States, most electricity generation comes from thermal power plants, which burn fossil fuels to heat water and produce steam. Burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gas emissions, which drive climate change.
Why does using renewable energy help protect the environment?
Renewable energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately reducing air pollution. In addition, our dependence on imported fossil fuels is reduced with renewable energy. Renewable energy can save consumers money while protecting the environment. Renewable energy sources such as the sun and wind do not need to be refueled, thus improving our energy supply in an eco-friendly way.
Where can you get renewable energy?
Renewable energy can be accessed through several sources. You are probably most familiar with wind and solar energy systems, as they are gaining popularity. In some cases, individuals want to use renewable energy but cannot install it. The good news is that you can access renewable energy without any installations. Inspire provides households access to clean energy without any installations or service interruptions.
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