What is Energy Conservation?

Inspire Clean Energy
16 min read
category: Sustainable Living
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Switch to clean energyYou may be wondering, what exactly is energy conservation? In order to learn how to conserve energy, you should first understand what energy conservation is. Energy conservation involves adjusting behaviors and habits in order to reduce energy usage. Energy conservation and energy efficiency are different. So what is the difference between energy efficiency and energy conservation? Energy efficiency utilizes energy efficient technology to perform the same function.
For example, upgrading to smart thermostats or energy-saving light bulbs are examples of energy efficiency. Conserving energy is environmentally friendly and can save you money. In most cases, switching to more energy efficient practices requires an initial investment that will pay for itself in the long run. The initial investment is typically minimal compared to the long term savings and benefits.
So why is energy conservation necessary? Conserving energy reduces the number of carbon emissions while producing a higher quality of life. Keep reading to learn more about energy conservation.
What is energy conservation?
The simplest way to define energy conservation is the decision to practice using less energy. Furthermore, energy conservation involves adjusting behaviors and habits in order to reduce energy usage. Energy conservation is something that every individual should practice to ensure the continuing availability of energy.
Conserving energy is about so much more than saving money on your electricity costs. If increasing energy trends continue experts predict we will face negative consequences of climate change such as an increase in temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events.
The OECD1 states that energy-related emissions will increase by 70 percent by 2050. While we should all consider using renewable energy, energy conservation is often the most inexpensive place to start. A little later on we will talk more about the relationship between energy conservation and renewable energy.
What is energy conservation and its importance?
Energy conservation offers economic and environmental benefits for consumers. In addition to lower energy costs, energy conservation can benefit the environment in a variety of ways. First, energy conservation can protect the environment from excess resource use and carbon dioxide emissions.
Next, energy conservation can lessen the demand for new power plants. As a result, wildlife and natural areas benefit. Even with renewable energy sources, this remains true. Lastly, energy conservation can reduce the amount of pollutants in the environment that are a direct result from using fossil fuels.
These are just a few benefits of energy conservation. If possible individuals should use renewable energy for increased benefits.
How can we conserve energy in our daily lives?
Altering day-to-day behavior can help individuals conserve energy. By simply turning off lights, appliances, and electronics that are not in use, individuals can conserve energy. Below we will provide 10 ways to conserve energy.
Why is energy conservation important today?
Most Americans were lucky enough to grow up in homes powered by electricity. Some individuals may not realize the impact that energy has on our environment. In today’s world, we are facing a growing population and limited natural resources.
Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource that most types of energy require. Mankind cannot recreate fossil fuels so when they run out, we can’t pump more oil from Earth. Energy and fossil fuels can pollute the environment in a number of ways. If we want to preserve our resources and reduce pollution, we must start conserving energy today.
Which day is reserved for energy conservation?
On December 14th, World Energy Conservation Day is celebrated. This day recognizes society’s dependence on energy and strives to raise awareness of the importance of energy consumption.
What are the benefits of saving energy?
The benefits of saving energy can be categorized as economic and environmental. Economically, saving energy can help save you money on energy costs. Environmentally, saving energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. In addition, it can reduce water usage.
How can we reduce energy in our homes?
Reducing energy usage in your home may be easier than you think. Some ways to reduce energy may require investment but others do not. If you can save energy, you can usually save money in the short and long term. Here are a few ways you can reduce energy in our home. . .
- Get a smart thermostat
- Turn off lights and electronics
- Use energy efficient light bulbs
- Turn down the refrigerator
- Put decorative lights on a timer
What are 10 ways to conserve energy?
Adjusting your day-to-day behaviors is the beginning of successfully conserving energy. A number of small efforts to conserve energy can make a big impact. The two main reasons we should conserve energy are money and the environment. As you know, energy is not free. Reducing unnecessary energy usage can help you save money on your electricity bill.
In addition, the less energy you use, the more you will help conserve earth’s natural resources.
Energy conservation can also help protect plants and animals from getting destroyed. If you want to live in a happier and healthier world, start conserving energy now. Below we will cover 10 ways to conserve energy but keep in mind there are so many more ways to conserve energy. The first step toward conserving energy is awareness.
Now that you are aware that we must conserve energy, you can start focusing on ways to do so. Even if you focus on 5 ways to conserve energy to start, it’s better than making no changes to your daily habits. Let’s take a look at 10 ways to conserve energy. . .
#1. Use energy efficient light bulbs Energy efficient light bulbs can reduce your energy usage by about 25-35 percent2. Energy efficient light bulbs are rather inexpensive to purchase and easy to install, thus making this a great way to start saving energy. While energy efficient bulbs may be more expensive than traditional bulbs, they usually last longer and of course use less energy.
#2. Upgrade appliances Most old appliances use more energy than newer appliances. While upgrading appliances may be a larger investment than switching out light bulbs, you should seriously consider upgrading if you are using old appliances. You old appliances are bound to give out at some point, am I right? Replacing old appliances before they break down can help you avoid a major surprise or inconvenience while saving energy. When shopping for energy efficient appliances look out for the Energy Star ratings logo. Some appliances are more energy efficient than others.
#3. Do laundry efficiently You’ll like this way to save energy - do laundry efficiently. That’s right, you heard us. Wait til that laundry pile is spilling over the basket before you wash. Doing laundry consumes a lot of energy. Doing laundry less often can help you save energy. Some dryers may have settings such as a dry sensor that allows them to shut off as soon as clothes are deemed dry rather than running out a full cycle. Utilizing features like this and cleaning the lint trap between cycles can also help you save energy.
#4. Turn your refrigerator down Setting your fridge to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and your freezer to 3 degrees fahrenheit can help save energy. If your refrigerator or freezer does not provide exact temperature readings you can usually get by with setting the temperature gauge to the midpoint. In most cases, the temperature will begin to adjust over the course of about 24-hours, so don’t expect instant savings. However, by the time your next bill shows up the savings should reflect the change. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration3, refrigerators account for as much as 13.7 percent of total household energy use.
#5. Clean or replace air filters Whether you live in a hot or cold climate, you’re probably a frequent user of the thermostat. Following the recommended maintenance requirements such as air filter replacement, can help you save energy. Dirty air filters can strain HVAC systems. As a result, they can cause your HVAC system to use more energy while heating or cooling the home. Similar to changing the oil in your car regularly, you should replace the air filters in your home.
#6. Air dry dishes and clothes This energy saving tip is pretty self explanatory. Air drying dishes or clothes can help you save energy!
#7. Turn off all lights, appliances, and electronics, when not in use This is a very simple way to conserve energy. Not using your computer? Turn it off! Done in the bathroom? Turn the light off! Turning off lights, appliances, electronics, or anything else that uses energy can help save energy. Of course, if you are using it, leave it on. But as soon as you are done, turn it off! Installing power strips can make turning off multiple items at once easier. In addition, running appliances off power strips can allow energy to be distributed more efficiently, thus reducing wasted energy.
#8. Use your window shades Window shades and blinds can help regulate your home's temperature naturally. During winter, you can leave blinds open to draw in warm rays. During summer, you can close blinds to keep warm rays out. This can help families reduce the need to turn on the heater or air conditioner.
#9. Repair any electrical issues If you notice flickering lights, burn out bulbs, or any other types of electrical issues you should address and fix it right away. Ensuring that electrical equipment is in proper working order can help ensure that energy is not being wasted.
#10. Take shorter showers Taking shorter showers can save water and energy, a double win. Energy is used to heat water. If you take shorter showers and or reduce hot water usage, you can save energy.
Why is energy so important?
In its technical definition, energy is the power created to do ‘work’. Generated from resources such as light, heat, or chemical reactions, energy is required for all forms of life and all processes throughout the universe. This ‘work’ is what powers our entire existence — from allowing us to walk downstairs to powering a microwave, energy is a foundational element of life.
Energy is the lifeblood of the environment and humanity. Unfortunately, the way in which we produce and consume energy is also one of the leading causes of climate change. The energy industry is responsible for almost two-thirds of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the current meaning of energy conservation?
The term "energy conservation" refers to minimizing energy consumption by generating or using less energy. Some strategies to save energy can take the form of avoiding utilizing energy-intensive services or products, or this can also be accomplished by using more energy-efficient products that use less energy than their conventional counterparts4.
Energy conservation is an important aspect of long-term sustainability. Some current methods of conserving energy include turning off lights when leaving a room, unplugging appliances when not in use, and using public transportation rather than personal transportation whenever possible. The goal of energy conservation is to reduce dependency on nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels.
You can do many things to help reduce energy use; consider purchasing energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, replacing air filters, doing full loads of dishes and laundry, and cutting down on air conditioning use in the home. Making it a habit to turn off lights and electronics when not in use will help too.
Is energy conservation a necessity?
Conserving energy may not seem like a necessity as it feels like we have a never-ending supply, but we are dependent on non-reusable forms of energy like natural gas, petroleum, and coal. Eventually, the reserves will run out as we become more dependent on them, meaning we need to reduce our usage until we find more sustainable and reusable energy to run our development and technology.
Consumers benefit from energy savings on both a financial and environmental level. Energy conservation can benefit the environment while also lowering costs by reducing resources used, such as carbon dioxide emissions. Wildlife and natural environments benefit as a result. These are just a few of the advantages of conserving energy. Individuals should consider using renewable energy whenever possible to maximize the benefits, like a reduced carbon footprint and more savings on energy costs.
What happens if we don't conserve energy?
Many negative consequences will arise if humans do not prioritize conserving energy. First, we could run out of the energy sources we primarily rely on, such as fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Second, the repeated use of these sources will continue to affect our health, the health of animals, and the health of our planet. This will lead to climate change and could even affect our water supply.
Future generations will need to find new sources of energy but with reduced health and life expectancy. Animals will start to become more endangered as we put more dependency on their habitats. Moreover, if we run out of gasoline, then all of our transportation methods will come to a halt which in turn will reduce jobs and so much more.
Over time, the sea level will rise and lead to more abnormal weather patterns such as natural disasters, smog, and acid rain. For all of these reasons, we need to work to reduce the world's dependency on unsustainable energy sources and reduce the usage of what we have so it will last until we power our lives with newer, renewable options. We all need to participate in the solution as it will directly affect us, our children, and all future generations5.
How does energy conservation help the environment?
Limiting energy consumption has a positive impact on the environment. When we burn fossil fuels, we release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases, including carbon dioxide, build up quicker than the atmosphere can absorb them, preventing Earth from maintaining a healthy and consistent temperature6.
Energy conservation helps the environment by reducing the toll on the planet and its natural resources. By conserving energy, you can help to protect ecosystems and limit pollution that endangers the oceans and sea life. Unfortunately, as we scour the land for more fossil fuel, the toll of energy usage will continue to negatively impact the land and disrupt wildlife habitats, too.
Global warming is the term used to describe the planet's rising temperatures. We classify the side effects of warming as climate change and observe these side effects through events such as changes in sea level, cold snaps, droughts, hurricanes, melting glaciers, and wildfires. Fortunately, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing our energy use7.
What are the positive benefits of energy conservation?
Reducing energy usage can have many positive benefits for you and the entire world. Some of these benefits include8:
- Reduced cost of living: by reducing the energy used, you can save money as your energy bill decreases. Furthermore, products and appliances will last longer as you will not use them as often, meaning fewer maintenance costs. It improves the life span of your items, so those electric items you do own will last for years, making your investment more profitable.
- The environment is better protected: Less consumption is good for the environment and wildlife. It reduces pollutants caused by machines, cars, and power plants. Additionally, conservation minimizes the number of hazardous extraction projects and spills. Coal mining and nuclear power plant disasters have wreaked havoc on the environment.
- Better health: Energy production can have a major effect on people's health, and pollution makes the effects worse. We can reduce serious medical problems such as lung cancer and even asthma with less energy usage. Furthermore, we can reduce pain, suffering, and the cost of health care too.
- Less dependency on energy: With less consumption comes less dependency, which will positively impact the world. By setting a good example, you can encourage others to become less dependent too and help to save even more resources for future generations.
- Fewer power plants: if the world can depend less on nonrenewable energy, we can build fewer power plants, which means cleaner air and fewer spills. This too will help the environment and health of everyone.
- A healthier planet for future generations: Some of the materials used to generate electricity are limited. The earth, for example, is incapable of producing additional coal or uranium resources. But by increasing reliance on renewable energy, we can ensure a healthier planet for future generations.
- Reduced global warming: By conserving energy, we cause less harm to the planet. With better environmental health, we expect lower temperatures, more stable weather patterns, and fewer natural disasters. In turn, this will save animals, water, and humans too!
Is using renewable energy considered energy conservation?
Renewable energy is energy that we can continue to collect over and over again from sources like wind, solar, and hydropower. As these energy sources are consistently available no matter how much we use, they are much better for our planet. Therefore, we do not need to conserve these resources. Using renewable energy is not directly considered energy conservation, but it is ultimately less harmful than using nonrenewable energy.
As we shift towards more renewable energy, we are creating more jobs for people who can continue innovation maintain the changes that are required for total sustainability. Education is the foundation for energy conservation, and you can be a part of the future. Together we can save our world, our animals, and prevent unpredictable weather, by simply being more cognizant of how we use energy9.
The need for all of us to conserve energy is essential and awareness should be spread. For us adults, we need to be sure not to take advantage of energy or other natural resources. For up-and-coming generations, we must teach them the benefits of energy conservation. If you believe that energy should be renewable, predictable, impactful, and easy to access, so do we.
Earlier, we mentioned using more renewable energy in your home. Now, we are going to tell you how you can do this. The answer is, Inspire. Inspire allows you to access clean energy at a predictable monthly price for all your home energy needs. When you switch your electricity supply to a 100% clean energy plan with Inspire, there are no signup or cancellations fees, no interruptions, installations, or changes to your utility provider.
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- homeguides.sfgate.com/effects-overusing-energy-78753.html↩
- ecofriendlyhabits.com/how-to-conserve-energy/↩
- eia.gov/consumption/residential/↩
- taraenergy.com/blog/what-is-energy-a-guide-to-understanding-energy↩
- saveonenergy.com/green-energy/how-saving-energy-helps-the-environment↩
- justenergy.com/blog/understanding-energy-conservation-and-its-many-benefits↩
- nova.edu/gogreen/conservation/environmental_benefits.html↩
- bhhclv.com/7-reasons-to-conserve-energy↩
- conserve-energy-future.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-renewable-energy.php↩
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