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Clean Energy 101
Renewable Energy Facts: Fun Facts About Clean Energy
Despite all the talk and hype, there are still many popular misconceptions about renewable energy and what it means for our planet’s future. Yes, we know that it’s better for the environment, but what exactly does that mean for us?
What is Alternative Energy: Types of Alternative Energy Sources
What are the alternative enery sources we use? Alternative energy sources aren’t just in the realm of those who live off-grid — alternative energy sources now make up a large percentage of the national power grid’s energy.
Renewable Green Energy vs Fossil Fuels: How do They Differ?
Interested in learning about the differences between renewable energy vs fossil fuels? Learn about alternative energy solutions powering a cleaner future today!
Causes & Effects of Ocean Pollution: What are the Sources?
Our oceans, which account for 70 percent of the surface of our planet, are incredibly polluted. Oceans play a pivotal role in the health and well-being of our world, so we need to understand the causes of pollution and find ways to reduce pollution.
What is the Most Efficient Energy Source: The Best Renewable Energy
Learn about the various renewable energy sources and how efficient they are. Visit Inspire today!
Reliable Energy Sources
Over the next decade, scientists expect our global energy needs to increase exponentially. As fossil fuels run out in the next century, we need to figure out which energy sources are the most reliable — and fast.
Is Renewable Energy Bad for the Environment?
Any energy source is inevitably going to have some consequences on the environment or people. If you compare renewable sources to fossil fuels, the benefits of renewable energy sources outweigh their environmental impact.
How Much Power Does A Wind Turbine Produce?
How much energy does a wind turbine produce? Learn about wind turbine energy production and how power generated by wind turbines help create reliable renewable energy for the masses.
Sustainable Energy: Sources, Definition & Examples
Plenty of cosmetics, food, and fashion companies use the word “sustainable” to describe how they acquire their materials and produce their goods, but what does sustainability mean in terms of energy?
How to Calculate Your Electric Bill
To calculate your electricity bill, you’ll need to find out the usage of each appliance and device in your home, particularly those used daily - learn how today!